Comfortably Uncomfortable

“Eh, I’m good. No thanks.” This is maybe a response you’d hear if someone offered you something gross. I don’t know about you, but I’d confidently respond in this way if offered hot chocolate after a workout, or asked to eat raw chicken, dirt, or one of those Starbucks unicorn drink things. I know they won’t make me feel good. Obviously they would make me sick, whether it be too hot, unhealthy, or too much sugar. “Nah, I will stick to what I know.” Basic, right?

While indoor rock climbing with some friends, I found myself in a fit of emotions. Then the truth of the matter hit me at a moment as I was climbing a route on the wall with colorful “holds.” I didn’t want to go any higher. I was almost to the top. “Just move your left foot, Katy. Trust. Do it! You’ll be glad to stand on top of this plastic mountain!” I stopped, froze, shook. I realized that I was scared, more comfortable dangling in a pathetic manner than reaching safety and a sturdy landing. In that moment those two fake rocks were my reality and more comfortable than the safe landing above.

Hearts of women are complicated, intricately made, fragile, and impeccably necessary to be shared. This means in no way that women are weak, ignorant, and wimpy. We are designed to trust, specifically in our womanhood. In a way, Eve trusted Satan about the fruit being good. Mary trusted in the Lord’s promise of bearing Him in her adolescent womb. She was asked to trust that the utter pain and hatred her dying Son was enduring would win the victory over all pain and heal wounds of all peoples. St. Mary Magdalene was asked to trust when she raced to the tomb and was told, “Do not hold onto me.” (John 20:17).

The Lord has never said to anyone ever, “Trust me, but just so you know you’ll be let down, unsatisfied, sad, and lonely.”  Like he reminds Mary Magdalene, “Wait, there is more!”

He doesn’t promise mediocrity, “good enough”, or basic things. He never promised me perfect ministry events. He doesn’t promise my fiancé and I to have a flawless wedding and a Pinterest-looking life! I beg you, fellow women STOP holding on to the plastic, unrealistic, holds in our lives that prevent truth to speak with our terrified, shaking, and “fear of being suspected” selves. Our God does promise us this: a Solid Reality to have a full, truthful, free reality to thrive in, to trust, and bask in the abundance of life He offers. (John 10:10).

Our surrender will never leave us empty, sick, or terrified on the top of fears, but as He conveyed to Mary Magdalene that Easter morning, “Do not hold on to me just yet. I am STILL claiming this victory for your freedom. This is what My Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit all beg of you–trust and say: “Yes, You’re Good. Thank you.”

Katy Blythe is an alumni of Franciscan University of Steubenville and works in two parishes in Pittsburgh as the Minister of Millennial Outreach and Leading music for worship. She’s an avid donut enthusiast, loves to sing and write music, and is a beginner rock climber. Katy and her fiancé will enter into the Sacrament of marriage this fall.

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